Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


MOSAiC School Impro by Dave CostaTwenty highly enthusiastic, and through the MOSAiC School 2019 well trained early career polar researchers will engage with public outreach and science communication during the full year of the MOSAiC project. Please see their projects here!

You can follow their activities along on a special MOSAiC Ambassadors’ Journal twitter channel moderated by MOSAiC School 2019 participant Marylou Athanase.



MOSAiC School 2019 (Photo credits to Dave Costa, CIRES)

Alex Mavrovic

MOSAiC themed hands-on activities in Native community high schools and talks
Alex Mavrovic

In order to expose Canadian Native community high schools students to science career options, Alex is providing MOSAiC themed hands-on activities. While native students are living where important resources are spent to study the Arctic, they know those environments and could be doing that kind of work as a fulfilling career.

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Ryleigh Moore

Video production, outreach talks, blog entries and interviewsRyleigh Moore MOSAiC School 2019 Kopie

Ryleigh Moore produced videos on polar bears, sea ice, and the installation of a seasonal ice mass balance buoy. She has also given several talks to different audiences about her experiences as part of the MOSAiC School.

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Pierre Priou

School presentations and experiments, and creation of an illustrated book with school kidsPierre Priou

Pierre Priou has conducted MOSAiC hands-on experiments and given talks at primary and secondary schools. Through the use of different media, kids discovered the fascinating world of Arctic research.

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Natalia Ribeiro Santos

Lesson Plans for teachers and activity for school visitsNatalia Ribeiro Santos MOSAiC School 2019 Kopie

Natalia develops a lesson plan entitled "Arctic and the Southern Ocean: Connected on their differences" and share her Arctic experience in interactive activities which will become available to teachers around the world.

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Thea Schneider

Photographic Documentation and Exhibition, Instagram Project, BBC Future gallery, Presentations and InterviewsThea Schneider MOSAiC School 2019

Thea Schneider is currently working on her photographic and audio material from her stay on Akademic Fedorov to create a photographic documentation and an exhibition for a broad audience. Some of Thea's photos can already be seen on Instagram, the BBC future website and her personal blog.

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Igor Vasilevich

Open lectures, video production, blogIgor Vasilevich

Igor Vasilevich gives open lectures about Arctic climate change and the MOSAiC expedition open for the public with the aim to reach people who haven't heard much about the MOSAiC expedition.

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Julika Zinke

Media outreach and talks to a public audienceJulika Zinke

Julika Zinke has given talks to a broad public audience to report about MOSAiC and has further reached German TV, a local radio station and a local newspaper. She has also featured Stockholm University's Instagram account and the university's newsletter.

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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