Photographic Documentation and Exhibition, Instagram Project, BBC Future gallery, Presentations and Interviews
Thea Schneider is currently working on her photographic and audio material from her stay on Akademic Fedorov to create a photographic documentation and an exhibition for a broad audience. Some of Thea's photos can already be seen on Instagram, the BBC future website and her personal blog.
Profile photo by Neil Aellen
Thea Schneider is currently working on her photographic and audio material from her stay on Akademik Fedorov to create a photographic documentation and an exhibition for a broad audience, which will also be accessible online. The documentation includes portraits, interviews, daily life and work on board and on the ice. Some of Thea's photos can already be seen on Instagram, the BBC future website and her personal blog.
On Instagram ( she published a series of photos with short explanatory texts to give information about MOSAiC and polar research. Thea also worked together with BBC future to create a gallery for their website about christmas at the north pole. She posts on her personal blog about the expedition in a more personal diary style.
Screenshot of Thea's Instragram profile and the BBC future gallery she contributed to.
The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) interviewed Thea before and after the expedition and invited her on the second episode of their podcast (The IcePod - produced in collaboration with the community radio station Radio Weser.TV) to talk about her experiences on board. The podcast interview can be accessed on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Castbox.
Thea also gave an interview to the media department of her university (Universität Potsdam), had a presentation of her experiences at her institution (AWI Potsdam) and was invited together with others to answer questions about MOSAiC at the award ceremony of "Mathe im Advent".
Thea being interviewed for the IcePod (screenshot photo by Kirstin Werner) and at the award ceremony of "Mathe im Advent" in Berlin (Photo by Kay Herschelmann).
In 2020, Thea started her cooperation with the German Blog NordNotes which is also featured by Instagram stories @nordnotes.