Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


1J8A7031 1 KopieThe APECS Council is the larger of the two leadership committees of APECS. It contributes to the smooth implementation of APECS activities and links APECS to current research activities, polar research communities, and international science groups. It also ensures the sharing of information from various research areas and partner organizations. The Council operates based on the APECS Handbook

Council members are involved in many activities: Project Group Leaders organize events and activities for early career researchers around the world; they are engaged in several Project Groups; the Council members shape the future of APECS together with the Executive Committee and the Directorate by helping to plan the directions, goals and objectives of our organization; they serve as representative of an international community; and they help to keep our members updated on new results in polar research! Because they are active leaders, they often get opportunities to represent APECS at important conferences and meetings and are recognized by senior leaders in their fields.

There are three categories of members on the APECS Council:

  • Council Leaders (Council Co-Chairs, National Committee Coordinators, Social Media Coordinators, Representative Coordinator)
  • Project Group Leaders; and
  • Representatives from APECS National Committees and organizational members of APECS i.e., partner organizations

You can view current and past Council members below.

The Council meets via online calls throughout the year and you can read the summaries of the Council meetings to stay updated on projects and activities that the Council is working on.

The APECS Executive Committee is also part of the Council. 

Picture: APECS Leadership and National Committee members at the APECS World Summit in June 2018. 

APECS Council 2023-2024 - Council Leadership

Council Chairs


National Committee Coordinators


Social Media Coordinators


Representative Coordinators



Past APECS Councils since term 2020-2021

Past APECS Councils until term 2019-2020

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

Our Sponsors

APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events