Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


For APECS International Polar Week March 2020 the National Committees organized the following events:

Science and Poetry: Linking the Two Poles

APECS Oceania

This novel lecture and workshop brought together the seemingly opposite worlds of science and poetry. Dr Barbara Bollard-Green discussed her latest scientific work – using 3D mapping technology to help protect remote Antarctic environments – while Antarctic Poetry Exhibition founder Laetitia Laubscher discussed the importance of emotive science communication as well as introduced the concept of science poetry, getting you to create your own polar science-inspired erasure poems.  

Hosted by the AUT University, participants simultaneously took part in the workshop in person in Auckland as well as online through the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Art platform and the APECS Oceania platform.

Facilitated by Dr Barbara Bollard-Green, Geospatial Scientist and Laetitia Laubscher, Antarctic Poetry Exhibition Founder

This was the announcement.


Field Work Photo Competition

APECS Oceania

In celebration of March Polar Week 2020 (15-31st), APECS Oceania was holding a field work photo competition! 

APECS Oceania sent their favorite photos taken whilst on field work. These included landscape, wildlife, science in action etc. images! The winner of the competition has won a fun prize pack sponsored by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - IMAS , University of Tasmania.

This was the announcement.



APPLICATE course logos 2

All 12 webinars of the APECS-APPLICATE-YOPP Online Course on "Advancing Predictive Capability of Northern Hemisphere Weather and Climate” are online!

Find here more inforamtion and the recordings 


Share main messages of scientific publications in comics

APECS GermanyFrom the 16 to 21 of March we planned to publish comics about the main message of scientific publications of early career scientists. The main outlet will be the twitter account of APECS Germany. We want to use the polar week to increase the visibility of the work of early career scientists.


Stories from the Antarctic Cities

APECS OceaniaWhat do the cities of Hobart, Christchurch, Punta Arenas, Ushuaia and Cape Town have in common? What happens when you send one young person from each of these cities on an expedition to King George Island? This free lunchtime lecture shared stories and findings from the Antarctic Cities Research Project, an exciting research collaboration investigating the linkages between the Antarctic gateway cities:

This was the announcement.


Share with us your favorite polar ...

APECS GermanyMany people ask us, why we love to do polar research in particular. Let's share, why we are so fascinated by those very special places on Earth.
We introduced each other to our favorite polar animal or plant, our favorite polar fact or picture by adding them to a big poster wall sitting in different locations of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (Potsdam & Bremerhaven).

To help launch our poster wall, we invited all early career Polar scientists from the Alfred-Wegener Institute and neighboring institutes in Bremerhaven to a get-together on the 19th of March. We watched Polar short films, hold a photo contest of photos that participants brought along, and filled the poster wall. 

Afterwards, we brought the poster wall to the main entrance of our institute so that everyone could add their favorite polar fact, plant, animal, or picture.

After a week, on the 26th we took a photo of the wall in Potsdam and Bremerhaven and posted it on twitter to increase the visibility of all those great reasons to do polar science!

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events