Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Listed alphabetically:

  • Azamat Tolipov, Uzbekistan
  • Deniz Vural (ExCom), Polar Research Institute, The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey, Turkey
  • Eva Horovcakova, International Polar Foundation, Belgium
  • Geetha Plackal, World Alliance for Planetary Health, India
  • Ioannis Baziotis, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
  • Katharina Heinrich, University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland
  • Mareike Bach, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Marlen Kolbe, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Mathieu Casado (ExCom), University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Srilakshmi Chidambaram, Indian Polar Research Network, India

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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