Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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                               © Alexey Pavlov, Caroline Coch, Alice Bradley, Adrian Dahood, Elizabeth Erickson (left to right)

In our Polar and Alpine Community News we feature news from the many partners that APECS is working with, as well as other news from a variety of sources related to research in the Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions as well as the wider Cryosphere. Many thanks to APECS members and the wider Polar research community for contributing to this shared resources!  

If you want to submit Polar or Alpine News for this page, please use the link below. If you have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We keep only the news of the last 3 months on this page. Older news can be accessed in our Polar and Alpine News Archive

Call for application: DEEPICE Winter school on snow sciences

In the framework of the DEEPICE project, a winter school on snow-process sciences will be organized in Finse (Norway) in March 2022 (20-26). The school will focus on snow-process sciences with theoretical and practical courses and exercises. It is aimed at PhD students who are involved in ice core climate record interpretation.

6 places are available for external students. Applications are now open until the 12th of December 2021.

Please visit the dedicated page for more information on the program and how to apply.

A brand new podcast about the Changing Arctic Ocean

IfOceansCouldSpeak Podcast LogoResearchers from across Europe have joined forces - as part of the EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy - to create a brand new podcast “If Oceans Could Speak”

This premiere season focuses exclusively on the Arctic - listening to stories from those who have shared their life with the mighty Arctic Ocean. Each week we discuss a new perspective, from the adventures of Thomas Wunderlich, Captain of RV Polarstern, to the musical journey of composer Lera Auerbach which led to her award-winning symphony, “Arctica”.  

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AGU Town Hall (Online Only): Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions

The U.S. Ice Drilling Program (IDP) will hold the AGU Town Hall on Scientific Drilling in the Polar Regions on Tuesday, 7 December 2021, from 18:15-19:15 Central Time. This is an online only event. We hope to see you there!

Abstract: Ice sheets, glaciers, and the underlying bedrock, sediment, and permafrost hold crucial evidence of past climate, ice sheet dynamics, and cratonic geology. National and international collaboration for drilling in the remote Polar Regions requires strategic coordination between science, technology, and logistics.

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AGU Student Competition Application Deadline next week!

This is just a reminder that the deadline for applications for this year's AGU Cryosphere Flash Freeze Competition is Wednesday November 24.
This year it is expected that up to ~5 awards of $1000 each will be awarded to the student winners from the Flash Freeze event to pursue their innovative research. Each student will be judged solely on the 2-minute presentation and not on the nomination package. This year's competition will be a hybrid event with students able to present virtually if they wish.
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NSF NRT Graduate Training Program in Systems Approaches to Understanding & Navigating the New Arctic (SAUNNA)

NSF NRT Graduate Training Program in Systems Approaches to Understanding & Navigating the New Arctic (SAUNNA)

The University of Maine is seeking outstanding applicants for a new graduate training program focused on fostering systems perspectives toaddress the challenges of complex socio-environmental changes in the Arctic. This program is designed to provide the next generation of Arctic system scientists with new competencies and skills to advance understanding of the new Arctic and support improved outcomes in the Arctic and beyond.

This program will include Ph.D., Master’s, and J.D. students in anthropology, earth sciences, freshwater ecology, economics, law, and marine sciences.

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Call for Nominations: ARCUS Board of Directors

arcuslogonotext 2018Nomination submission deadline: Monday, 29 November 2021, 12:00 p.m. AKT

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) announces a call for nominations for our Board of Directors election. There are four seats up for election in a vote of the ARCUS Membership Council that will take place in December. Terms will be three years and begin in January 2022.

We seek nominations of candidates with enthusiasm and time (approximately 40 hours/year) to dedicate to ARCUS, who are willing and able to help ARCUS fulfill its vision and mission and achieve its strategic goals. We particularly invite nominations of individuals with experience in and connections to: Arctic system science, Alaska Native organizations, Arctic infrastructure issues, or U.S. federal research and education initiatives.

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RGS-IBG Grants - Deadline 23 November

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Grants for fieldwork - Call for applicants for upcoming deadline – DEADLINE 23 NOVEMBER 2021

The Society has a number of grants for postgraduates, early-career and senior researchers to support geographical fieldwork and research. The first deadline is 23 November, with later grants in January 2022. There’s full information online at

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INQUA-MARE Workshop (INtegrated QUAternary MArine REcords at sensitive latitudes) - 29 November - 1 December

The deadline for abstract submission for the online INQUA-MARE workshop,  "Antarctic Realm", has been just extended to November, 19thSend your abstract, concerning the Antarctic realm, to inqua.mare[at] (see detailed instructions in the attached Abstract template).

To registrate your participation (even only as an auditor), please write an e-mail to[at] until November 25th, indicating your Title (student, MSc, PhD, Prof., pronoun-s, etc.), Name, Surname, Affiliation and Nationality or fill in this Google Form.

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EGU General Assembly 2022

EGU Assembly 2022The EGU General Assembly 2022 will return as an in-person event to Vienna, Austria, from 3–8 April 2022, once again bringing together geoscientists for a meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. In order to ensure the widest possible participation by geoscientists from all over the world, EGU22 will have a hybrid format allowing virtual participation in specific sessions for those who cannot, or prefer not to, travel to Vienna.

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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