Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


apecs logo webThe first Organizational Review of APECS was conducted in 2015, and the results were used for developing the APECS Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020. In preparation for the drafting of the next APECS Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025 a second Organizational Review is being conducted throughout 2019. Findings will help the APECS leadership to better develop and adjust the strategy for APECS in the coming years.

You are invited to participate in this process and to provide feedback to the ORC until 21 June 2019 by filling out a survey, which will take 20-30 minutes:

The APECS Organizational Review Committee (ORC) have created this survey for APECS members and the wider community, in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, to draw comparisons with the 2015 report, and to make recommendations about areas to focus on going forwards. Those who take part in the survey will also be invited to provide their email address to go in the draw to win a 100 euro travel grant. The survey is open to anyone who has been involved with APECS or an APECS activity in any capacity.

To find out more about the ORC terms of reference and activities, or to view the 2015 report, please visit the APECS website.

Thanks all for your help, and we look forward to sharing the results of the review with you all later this year.

Best Wishes,

Hanne Nielsen
on behalf of the APECS Organisational Review Committee 2019

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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