Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


To submit your poster to the APECS Virtual Poster Session, simply fill out the form and upload your poster as a pdf (Maximum File Size is 3 MB) .

Note: If your poster has been presented at a conference, please include the conference information so we can properly acknowledge the original presentation of this work.

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Virtual Posters

Kristin Timm*, Jenny Baeseman**,****, Karen Edwards***
Education and Outreach
* Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), USA
** Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, Tromsø, Norway
*** IPY International Program Office, Canada
**** University of Tromsø, Norway
IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo, Norway
The several International Polar Day and Week events held during IPY4, were successful in reaching an international audience of educators, students, and others through online resources, multilingual lesson plans, real-time live events, and much more. Striving to reach a wider audience, including more members of the public and university students, the International Polar Year International Programme Office worked with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) to facilitate an International Polar Lecture Series during the October 2009 and March 2010 International Polar Weeks. The International Polar Lecture Series activities not only provided tools and assistance to researchers interested in sharing their science and enthusiasm about the polar regions, but also helped to sustain the momentum of the IPY Days started in 2007.

Early career researchers were asked to give a presentation or arrange a guest lecture on polar research for a local group, such as Rotary, 4-H, Boy Scout/ Girl Scout troop, church groups, school associations, city councils, universities, or wherever their community gathers. Over 50 lectures were given in over ten countries as part of this series in October 2009 and March 2010.

Based on the education and outreach event planning experiences of several APECS members, a step-by-step checklist with steps and other considerations was provided to assist participating researchers. This included a template for a flier to advertise the presentation and a draft press release. Global participation and presentations were tracked on the APECS website which created an instant global network making one presentation feel like a part of a much larger international effort to educate the global public about the polar regions and to excite and engage the next generation of polar researchers.
APECS, International Polar Day, outreach, students
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  • I hold the copyright to this material and grant APECS the right to display this poster.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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