Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

T. Gh. Negoita*, P. Egerton**, J. Thiede***, G. Bahrim****, F. Toparceanu*****
Education and Outreach
*Romanian Polar Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania,
**European Science Foundation, France,
***Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany,
****Lower Danube University, Food Science and Engineering Faculty, Galati, Romania,
*****Stefan S.Nicolau Virology Institute, Bucharest, Romania
IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo, Norway
Activities developed within The 2nd International Symposium of Polar Scientific Research,IPY 2007-2008, and The European Polar Research Icebreaker „Aurora Borealis” FP7 Project, organized by Romanian Polar Research Institute (RPRI) Bucharest under auspices of Romanian Academy, 16-17 November 2007. The symposium highlighted the importance of polar research within the world efforts to preserve natural resources and biodiversity and to mitigate the climate change consequences on polar ecosystems. The Symposium sessions were:

I.Workshop on European Polar Research Icebreaker "Aurora Borealis" FP7Project, coordinator Alfred Wegener Polar and Marine Research Institute, Germany,14 papers;
II.Structuring an Integrated International Cooperation Research on Polar Ecosystem Biodiversity, Response to Environmental Changes and Applications, coordinator RPRI, 16 papers;
III.Promotion of International Cooperation Research on Psychrophilic Microorganism Potential in Bioremediation, coordinator RPRI, 14 papers;
IV.Promotion within an International Partnership of Biomedical Research under Extreme Life Conditions, coordinator Romanian Academy Virology Institute, Bucharest, 21 papers.

These sessions involved many early career scientists, and 85 specialists in most different research fields, 14 of which researchers in nine EU States: France (by the ESF representative, Director Dr. Paul Egerton), Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria; and Russian Federation. 19 Romanian institutions participated in the Symposium.

Romanian polar research prospects were mentioned in European framework (the competition in European Framework Program FP7 etc.) and the International Polar Year 2007-2008. Dr. T.Gh. Negoita, Director of RPRI, presented the document "Developing a Southeastern–Central European Action Plan for Polar Programs and Infrastructures", elaborated in collaboration by Romania, ESF and other countries which intend to participate in this regional agreement. Among this plan priorities: A stronger collaboration between national polar programs; Encouraging the innovative young researchers; research stages for Ph.D students in polar areas; Access to polar infrastructures.
Outreach, Symposium, networking
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