Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


October 27, 2019

Rosalie McKay MOSAiC Ambassador Blog 93 Oct 27 1 credits to Rosalie McKay

Josefine prepared a very nice final activity for us. We were each provided a set of cards to write to all of the other students. This was a way for students to share compliments and express gratitude for how others positively impacted our experience onboard. Being isolated from the rest of the world and working so closely together for weeks, it was a bit surreal to realize that this would likely be our last few days all together. It was an emotional roller coaster ride as we cleaned up the classroom, packed up all of our things and read our personal notes. It’s a bit overwhelming to read so many nice things about yourself! I have saved my cards and will take them out again when I need a pick-me-up. The mood was somber and thankful as we prepared to leave the ship.





A ‘warm shower’, positive notes from the MOSAiC school (© Rosalie McKay).

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