Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Podcast - Polar Times first episode

175 APECS Podcast PG LogoLadies and gentlemen,

We would like to introduce the very new brand of APECS PGs, Podcast! We also feel right proud of having the first released Podcast from Science and stories from the coolest places on the planet in this International Polar Week September 2020!
The Polar Times Team worked so hard to make the first episode ready for the Polar Week.

Here is the trailer of Polar Times to know the story behind how APECS Podcast rises!

176 Kristie Jones Williams APECS Podcast Polar Week September 2020

we have our first ever guest on Polar Times; Kirstie Jones-Williams!
Kirstie is marine biogeochemist and microplastic researcher at the British Antarctic Survey and University of Exeter.

Join host Jack Buckingham to chat to her about microplastic in the Southern Ocean, hot-springs in Antarctica and making the most of PhD opportunities!

We wish you a Podcast full of fun!

If you also like to recommend any speakers to listen at upcoming episodes, feel free to contribute the form!

© Photo on the left: Kirstie Jones-Williams

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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