Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


193 Robert Izett Antarctica Day 2021 Banner web


Antarctica Day is celebrated by the international polar community on 1st December 2021 to commemorate the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959, which is considered to be one of the most successful achievements of the international community. The APECS Antarctica Day Project Group was excited to be part of these celebrations and was organising a series of activities ​to celebrate the day with all APECS members, APECS National Committees, as well as everyone who was interested in and passionate about Antarctica, with an overarching goal of raising awareness of the importance of Antarctica, especially in the light of a changing global climate.

We enthusiastically encouraged our early career researchers (ECR) to both join our activities and to communicate with us if you are planning something special to celebrate Antarctica Day with your community. We want to promote your activities, too! Thanks to the wide collaborations between countries, we could expand and enrich our events and celebrate the spirit of international peace and scientific cooperation that signified the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959.

To reach our goal, we planned the activities described below to engage as many people as possible who want to share their exclusive Antarctic experiences and those who want to feed their curiosity about the continent of the extremes.

Antarctica Day Visual Motto for 2022

460 jennifer newall antarctica day 2021 visual motto

Thank you for the inspiring visual mottos that were submitted to everyone who voted and made this call happen. 


APECS is happy to congratulate Jennifer Newall
for winning  with the Antarctica Day Visual Motto for 2022!

See the full announcement here.


See here all Visual Motto SUBMISSIONS



Rules and Regulations:

1. A Traditional Photo Contest

437 Marlen Kolbe Poster Antarctica Day 2021 Photo Contest newA photo contest organized by APECS project groups has a long tradition. As such, the Antarctica Day PG invited everyone to submit their favorite picture from, about or in Antarctica under the overarching theme “My favourite thing about Antarctica”.

All eligible submissions were displayed on the APECS website and, if you agreed, also on social media.  


APECS is happy to congratulate

1st price: Praveen Thakur

2nd price: Wilson (Wai Yin) Cheung

3rd price: Giuseppe Suaria

for winning the Antarctica Day 2021 Photo Competition!

See the full announcement here.


--> See here all PHOTO SUBMISSIONS

Design by Marlen Kolbe

Rules and Regulations:

2. Antarctic Movie and Book Compilation

Antarctica Day Book Movie Recommendation Poster

This Antarctica Day, we focused on the portrayal of Antarctica in different kinds of media. There have been countless movies and books either featuring or inspired by the white continent, and we hope to share the best of those with all of you.

Books may cover an array of genres, ranging from biographies of explorers and accounts of expeditions to travel guides and historical publications. Films can range from epic documentaries and investigative reporting to apocalyptic narratives and bizarre science fiction. The only requirement was that the book should feature Antarctica in some way or form.

The best submission will be shared on APECS social media. A booklet and web resource will be created with all the recommendations received and prospectively released after the events of Antarctica Day. It will serve as a literary directory for everyone to view at leisure.

- Submission is closed -

Design by Srilakshmi Chidambaram

3. Antarctic FAQ Podcast and Handbook for K-12 students

455 Katharina Heinrich Poster Antarctic FAQ Podcast and HandbookAntarctica Day x PolarTimes 

In celebration of Antarctica Day 2021, a special episode of the APECS Podcast Polar Times was released on 1 December 2021. Within this episode, Jack Buckingham, Azamat Tolipov and Katharina Heinrich answered questions about Antarctica that were submitted by K-12 students. In addition, a FAQ Handbook is being prepared, which provides answers to all submitted questions and includes amazing artwork and designs of the Antarctic environment and species by Autun Purser (Alfred-Wegener Institute) and Bronte Harrison (University Centre of the Westfjords). With these efforts this years’ Antarctica Day Project Group aimed to create a resource that brings Antarctica closer to young students and serves as a basic information tool to increase awareness and interest about the frozen continent. 

Stay tuned for the release of the FAQ Handbook, which will be available as a free pdf and make sure to follow the PolarTimes Podcast, to not miss out on our Antarctica Day Special Episode or any other episodes. 

Design by Katharina Heinrich

4. Antarctica Day Webinar - Work and life at Antarctic Research Stations

Have you been wondering or curious about what it is like to live at the South Pole, walk in a "town" called McMurdo, how Scott Base looks like from the inside, what people do at ZhongShan Station, why one overwinters at King Sejong Station and about many other stations and deep field camps around Antarctica? We bet you have! So, read on.

In three different sessions of this year's Antarctica Day Webinar series, researchers and staff members who worked or are currently working in Antarctica shared their first-hand experiences, personal stories, excitements and challenges they faced in and around Antarctic research stations with us. We were also thrilled to have some speakers speaking live from McMurdo (the US), Davis Station (Australia) and other stations! A Q/A session was held at the end of each of the webinars.

See the recordings below and get an impression of what life at research stations on the frozen continent looks like.

While planning this webinar series, substantial assistance was received from the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) and the COMNAP Member national Antarctic programs and others.


Antarctica Day 2021: Work and life at Antarctic Research Stations #1 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.


Antarctica Day 2021: Work and life at Antarctic Research Stations #2 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.


Antarctica Day 2021: Work and life at Antarctic Research Stations #3 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Organizing Committee

Listed alphabetically:

  • Azamat Tolipov, Uzbekistan
  • Deniz Vural (ExCom), Polar Research Institute, The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey, Turkey
  • Eva Horovcakova, International Polar Foundation, Belgium
  • Geetha Plackal, World Alliance for Planetary Health, India
  • Ioannis Baziotis, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
  • Katharina Heinrich, University Centre of the Westfjords, Iceland
  • Mareike Bach, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Marlen Kolbe, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Mathieu Casado (ExCom), University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Srilakshmi Chidambaram, Indian Polar Research Network, India

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or comments. We are happy to help!

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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