Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


548 GRS2023 Gwenaëlle GremionThe GRS on Polar Marine Science is a meeting specifically designed for early career scientists. The aim of GRS is to bring together early-career researchers in all fields of polar marine science (marine biology, chemistry, physics, geology and technology) to discuss interdisciplinary links and provide a basis for future collaborations. GRS will therefore provide a forum for graduate students and postdocs to present and discuss new data, cutting-edge ideas and multidisciplinary approaches with experts in different fields of polar sciences.

The GRS will be co-chaired by Dr Cristina Genovese (World International School of Turin, Italy) and Dr Gwenaëlle Gremion (Institut des Sciences de la Mer, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada and APECS, Tromsø, Norway). The 2023 GRS will focus on the importance of the spatial and temporal variability of processes (and the methods used) occurring at the interfaces (air/water, air/ice, ice/water, ice/sediment, water/sediment) of the polar oceans.

The seminar will consist of lectures and poster sessions, all selected from the best abstracts submitted by the attendees. The seminar will seek to merge science with technology, as these two disciplines are the cornerstones for the advancement of polar marine science.

Visit the GRS website for registration and more information.

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