Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The Arctic Speaks To Me is an anthology, a collection of works from numerous authors. The goal of this book is to explore the Arctic through the eyes of the polar research community, where science meets storytelling and memoir with stunning visuals. We want to dig into themes that humanize the polar research experience for readers who may not understand the importance of the Arctic, why we do this work and why it matters. We want this anthology to be community-based literacy practice and give space for authors to explore various topics about polar research, the Arctic, and identity. We’re calling for people to contribute potential works from free writing, blog posts, poetry, photography, art and more!

The potential content we are looking for is based on these prompts:

· What are transformative moments, experiences, or a story you have had in your life from the Arctic?

· How do you define the Arctic? i.e. what is the Arctic like? Any photos from above or below the ocean

· What does being a polar research scientist mean to you?

· Any stories, or multimedia art that helps us explore themes around light, time, the environment, challenges, people, and wildlife.

· What do you want people to take away from the Arctic story through the eyes of a polar researcher? i.e. why should people care?

We really want to center a diverse amount of voices, especially those who are making their way in the polar research world. The deadline for submissions is August 1st.

Visit the anthology's website to read the guidelines and submit your content. 

The Arctic Speaks to Me is a project of The Cooperative Institute for the Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Education and Outreach Team.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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