The goals of the Ocean Best Practices System Workshop VI, held online, are to guide the development of best practices and operating practices, to promote their documentation, and to share them widely using the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS). The workshop will consist of plenaries and working groups. For the Plenaries there will be two general themes:
1) Guiding technology evolution and use, and
2) Capacity development/sharing, with an emphasis on developing countries.
The working group will focus on both cross-cutting themes and disciplinary working groups. The call for specific sessions in now open and an initial list of topics will be available in mid-May. If you have a topic you feel strongly should be included, please let us know as part of your application.
Why should you apply?
We - as the global community of ocean practitioners - need to align and improve the methods we use to explore, understand, protect, and sustainably use the ocean. The IOC OBPS Workshop VI 2022 calls on early-career ocean professionals (ECOPs) to help shape how the ocean community - across disciplines, regions, and generations - shares and co-develops existing and future methods. This will be an opportunity for ECOPs to co-lead workshop sessions, actively participate in workshop discussions and the development of recommendations, as well as represent their community and generation while gaining valuable experience in a multi-stakeholder consultation process and enhancing their international network.
When will this happen?
Three plenaries of three hours on 5,6, and 19 Oct. From October 6-18, Working Groups will meet on their own arranged schedules to address key questions in the consultation topics.
Who can apply?
Any self-identified ECOP who:
● is motivated to change the way methods are shared and developed in ocean science and/or applications, and
● is motivated to represent their community’s needs in one of the workshop topics/working groups.
(Please note, that stable internet access capable of supporting video-conferencing (with or without camera data) is required.)
How to apply:
Please apply by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with “[OBPS-ECOPS]” in the title.
The email should include:
• the session topic area you would like to co-lead - your motivation (in no more than 10 sentences) addressing the selection criteria as stated in the “who can apply” section
• An attached copy of your CV as a PDF (max. 3 pages)
Application deadline: May 31 2022
Date of decision: June 30 2022
If you have any questions, please contact Cora H.rstmann and Rebecca Zitoun. We look forward to receiving your application and working with you during the great workshop!
On behalf of OBPS Workshop VI Organizing Committee
Cora Hörstmann
PhD Candidate Alfred Wegener Institute
Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine
Research, Germany
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Rebecca Zitoun
Postdoc, Marine Mineral Resource Group
GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean
Research Kiel, Germany
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