Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The 51st International Arctic Workshop – an interdisciplinary conference focusing on Arctic Quaternary geology, palaeoceanography, palaeoglaciology, climatology, palaeoecology, geomorphology and related disciplines and with a strong student emphasis – will be held this year at the Svalbard Science Centre in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway from the evening of June 19th to Thursday June 23rd 2022 and with an optional two-day field excursion in Isfjorden on Friday June 24th and Saturday June 25th.

Registration is now live at the website with a deadline for registration and abstract submission on May 16th 2022.

The conference includes a Sunday evening reception at the Svalbard Museum, oral and poster sessions at UNIS, a mid-conference excursion to local Quaternary sites, and a conference banquet. For masters and PhD students there is an additional student night event, prizes for best talk and poster, and an optional digital field technologies workshop (funded by iEarth). In addition, on June 24th and 25th there is an optional post-conference excursion by fast open boat, visiting important Quaternary locations in Isfjorden, Billefjorden, and Eckmanfjorden such as Coraholmen and Kapp Ekholm.

Professional registration for the Arctic Workshop costs 3000 NOK (Norwegian Kroner), student (masters and PhD) registration costs 1500 NOK, and the post-conference field excursion costs 2000 NOK.

Students are also eligible for a 3000 NOK travel/accommodation support bursary on a first-come-first-served basis, funded by the Svalbard Science Forum, and applied for during registration.

It is high seasons in June and accommodation and flights will have limited availability. Please book soon. Discounted flights are available to those under 26 years of age. A limited amount of discounted accommodation is also available through the website and during registration.

The 51st International Arctic Workshop is organised by the University Centre in Svalbard - UNIS, the Norwegian Polar Institute, the Svalbard Museum, and the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System.

For more information, please visit the 51st Arctic Workshop website and/or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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