Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The Polar Prediction Project is pleased to announce two exciting opportunities for Early Career Researchers at the YOPP Final Summit, to be held in Montreal 1–4 May 2022. The Year Of Polar Prediction (YOPP) Final Summit will bring together the polar prediction community, from operational centers and academia, to environment services and polar prediction users and northern communities, to showcase the successes of YOPP and contribute to the legacy of the Polar Prediction Project.

--- YOPP Final Summit School

A 5-day Polar Prediction School on weather and climate prediction in the polar regions will be held in Rimouski, Canada from 27 April – 1 May 2022. There are 30 places at the School, and Early Career Researchers no more than 5 years post-PhD award are encouraged to apply (career breaks will be considered). The school will introduce the underlying concepts related to numerical weather prediction in polar regions and the program will include a mix of lectures and modeling assignments as well as the collection and analysis of field observations. It offers the possibility for exchange and networking with other ECRs and scientists. Successful applicants are expected to also register to attend the YOPP Final Summit following the School (1-4 May 2022, Montreal, Canada). Some financial support will be available.

Applicants are invited to submit a short motivation and a CV, following a provided template, by 15 November 2021. The ranking of applications will be based on the relevance of the applicant’s research topic and their excellence (relative to career stage). Selection criteria will also account for geographical and gender balance, and applicants from minority groups are highly encouraged to apply. Early Career Researchers up to 5 years post-PhD award may apply but preference will be given to those currently following a PhD program.

--- YOPP Final Summit Fellowship Program

Are you a potential future high-flyer in the arena of polar prediction research? Then, consider nominating yourself for one of our four Fellowship positions, open to Early Career Researchers no more than 5 years past PhD award (career breaks will be considered). Each Fellow will have their accommodation and travel to the YOPP Final Summit fully covered. The YOPP Final Summit Fellowship Program will provide visibility and networking opportunities: the Fellows will present their research in a prominent slot at the Final Summit and will participate in a mentoring “Fireside Chat” with Polar science senior mentors. There will be a short award ceremony at the YOPP Final Summit with a presentation of certificates to each of the Fellows.

Prospective Fellows are invited to submit an abstract for the presentation, a cover letter including a description of why they would make a good fellow and highlighting any involvement with YOPP core activities, as well as a CV following the template provided by 15 November 2021. Please note that the CV must include the names of two YOPP researchers who support the application.

--- More information and instructions on how to apply for each of these exciting opportunities can be found on the YOPP Final Summit website.

 425 PPP school 2018 Abisko sweden Jonny DayPhoto: Jonny Day

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