Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Organizers invite abstracts for the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022. This conference will convene 27 February - 4 March 2022 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Abstract submission deadline: 29 September 2021, 11:59 p.m. EDT

To submit an abstract, go to:
Abstract submission webpage

For more information, go to:
Conference homepage

Conveners of the following sessions invite abstracts:

HL17 - The Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle: Past, present and future
Conveners: Mike DeGrandpre, Brent Else, and Claudine Hauri

The Arctic Ocean (AO) has dynamic and diverse biogeochemical areas ranging from some of the most productive coastal waters in the world to large oligotrophic open ocean basins. Organic and inorganic carbon therefore naturally vary significantly in time and space. Overlying this natural variability is the rapidly changing physical and chemical environment of the Arctic Ocean driven by climate change and ocean acidification. Loss of ice cover, changing freshwater inputs, warming, and changes in broadscale circulation all compound the inherent complexity of the AO carbon cycle. For example, primary production trends are highly uncertain because of the interplay between nutrient fluxes, increased solar irradiance, stratification, and wind-driven mixing. Making progress on understanding how these mechanisms currently regulate carbon uptake, export, and air-sea exchange requires intensive measurement programs, ideally during all seasons. Further efforts are also needed to develop more accurate coupled physical-biogeochemical models. In this session, conveners welcome presentations from studies focused on the AO carbon cycle, including observational and model studies of primary production, nutrient fluxes, inorganic and organic carbon, air-sea CO2 fluxes, ocean acidification, and related physical forcings.

For questions about this session, contact:
Mike DeGrandpre
Email: michael.degrandpre[at]

SESSION HL11 - Arctic Ocean Processes, Progress, and Potential Explored through Synthesis Supported Research
Conveners: Laura Whitmore, Laramie Jensen, and Ryan McCabe

The Arctic Ocean is changing rapidly as a result of global climate change at rates disproportionate to other ocean basins. Changes in stratification, circulation, and ice cover are giving way to a cascade of biogeochemical and ecological changes that are altering the character of the Arctic Ocean. These changes influence the global ocean by modulating freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic Ocean, the transfer of chemical constituents, and the connectivity of organismal populations. Because of continued annual sea ice coverage and accessibility barriers, data collection across small (seasonal) and larger (annual to decadal) timescales has been historically difficult. In order to elucidate and ultimately predict the impacts of climate change on the Arctic Ocean system a synthetic and trans-disciplinary effort is valued. In this spirit, conveners encourage submissions across ecological, chemical, physical, and geological sub-disciplines with special consideration to interdisciplinary approaches and to studies investigating spatial and/or temporal scales.

For questions about this session, contact:
Laura Whitmore
Email: lmwhitmore[at]

Laramie Jensen
Email: jensenla[at]

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Huginbakken 14
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