Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


CAFF greenWe are pleased to share CBMP's (Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program) third "State of the Arctic Biodiversity Report” – this time focused on the terrestrial environment – along with the 2020 updates to the State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report, released in 2017. The similarity of findings across CBMP's assessments in the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems is striking.

Climate change impacts to Arctic flora and fauna are evident, with examples of changing habitats, species declining and new species moving into the Arctic, changes in arctic ecosystems, and altered phenology accounting for pronounced vulnerabilities across these environments. Requests for more integrated monitoring, better use of emerging monitoring methods, standardized and harmonized approaches to monitoring and data management, promoting efficient use and dissemination of information, and the importance of meaningfully collaborating with Indigenous Knowledge holders and those with local knowledge are loud and clear. Meanwhile, CBMP's work is proceeding on the coastal ecosystem.

Mindful of these challenges, we are also excited to share the 2021–2025 CBMP Strategic Plan, developed with input from the Arctic states and Permanent Participants and delivered to the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Arctic States this month. It describes three goals, 13 objectives, and numerous activities to ensure that CBMP is relevant, adaptive, and sustainable in the years to come.

As it becomes increasingly important to have the best possible information on the status and trends of biodiversity in the Arctic environment, we hope you will join us by sharing this information with others, providing us your feedback, and contributing your ideas or expertise where you can.

Tom Christensen CBMP Co-chair (Kingdom of Denmark)

Catherine Coon CBMP Co-chair (U.S.)


The State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Report – third in CBMP's "State of the Arctic" series – was developed with by the CBMP-Terrestrial group with nearly 200 contributors. See the full report, video, summary of key findings, and data.

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