Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


SCAR logo white backgroundWe would like your input in designing the tasks and work plan of a new subcommittee of the SCAR/INSTANT program, aiming to foster studies on improving knowledge of paleo-environmental proxies, facilitate the accessibility of paleo-proxy information needed for better interpreting paleo-records and further constrain model simulations.

We kindly ask you to fill the form by March 31st. It will take only a few minutes of your time.

We expect input from both the modelling and observation communities

The PALEO-PROXY subcommittee will be open to everybody. At this stage the PALEO-PROXY subcommittee leadership is not yet defined and will be identified later on the basis of expression of interest collected from the community.

The PALEO-PROXY subcommittee will:

● bring together ocean, earth, atmosphere and ice scientists

● identify knowledge gaps

● foster new collaborative projects

● facilitate communication and coordination among existing initiatives.

This form is designed to help us understand:

1) what is the broad interest in the community to focus our efforts in directing and coordinating ongoing and future research toward paleo-proxy development

2) which scientific questions are most relevant to be answered in order to help INSTANT make progress in providing information on the Antarctic contribution to sea level, and on regional and global environmental changes.


INSTANT is a new SCAR program that aims at understanding the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to past and future sea level changes and to improve our knowledge about environmental processes in Antarctica and in the Southern Ocean (see the INSTANT portal for more information).

The provisional name of this new INSTANT subcommittee is “paleo-proxy reconstructions of southern (sub) polar environments – PALEO-PROXY”. A separate INSTANT subcommittee will address the topic of “Chronology, Cyclostratigraphy and Correlation”; although the two subcommittees will be connected.

Please forward this message to who may be interest to contribute.

Best regards

Laura De Santis and the PALEO-PROXY subcommittee promoting group (P. Bijl, M. Casado, C. Escutia, J. Etourneau, G. Grant, C.D. Hillenbrand, R.S. Jones, D. Kulhanek, K. Licht, F. Nitsche, T. Noble, L. Perez, A. Rovere, I Sauermilch), with the endorsement of Florence Colleoni and Tim Naish INSTANT co-chiefs

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