Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) has five upcoming webinars in July.

They will all be recorded and available at the links below.

Tuesday, July 7 (10am ADT)

Alaska’s berries and their changing seasons

Speaker: Dr. Katie V. Spellman & Dr. Christa P.H. Mulder, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Changes in the timing of the seasons in Alaska influences our wild berry flowering, pollination, ripening and fruit dispersal (including by us berry pickers). Dr. Katie Spellman and Dr. Christa Mulder will discuss the ongoing research by the UAF International Arctic Research Center and Institute of Arctic Biology that explores how earlier springs, warmer summers and wetter falls influence our amazing Alaska berries throughout their life cycles. Learn how public participation in this scientific research is helping improve our knowledge of ways berries are changing across our state.
More information and registration below
Wednesday, July 15 (11am ADT)

VAWS: Recent Advances in Water Vapor Products from Satellites for Forecasters

Speaker: John Forsythe, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University
Forecasters routinely monitor total precipitable water (TPW) in the atmosphere via the NOAA operational blended TPW product. A new Advected Layer Precipitable Water (ALPW) product provides a vertical dimension and depicts long-fetch flows of moisture which enhance flood events. How these products are generated will be explained, and typical forecast uses including in the Alaska region will be presented. Upcoming improvements to these products will be discussed.
More information and registration below
Friday, July 17 (12pm ADT)

June 2020 National Weather Service Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing

Speaker: Rick Thoman, ACCAP
The tools and techniques for making monthly and season scale climate forecasts are rapidly changing, with the potential to provide useful forecasts at the month and longer range. We will review recent climate conditions around Alaska, review some forecast tools and finish up the Climate Prediction Center’s forecast for the coming months.
More information and registration below (
Thursday, July 23 (10am ADT)

Bering Science: Spring 2020 Bering Region Ocean Update

Speaker: Molly McCammon (AOOS) & Rick Thoman (ACCAP)
The Bering Sea is undergoing rapid unprecedented change. Using funds from a national Ocean Data Sharing Initiative, the Alaska Ocean Observing System is working with federal and academic partners and Bering region communities to foster greater sharing of Indige ocean-related observations and scientific information. We will be presenting some new data and information products, based on the needs of federal and state agency managers, coastal communities, tribes, and private industry, and invite webinar participants and other residents of western Alaska to join our conversation about their observations and their needs.

Here is the Bering Science: Spring 2020 report which was written for a general audience and is intended to be the first of several reports published annually. Funding for this publication was provided to AOOS from a national initiative to increase sharing of ocean and coastal data. AOOS is focusing on the Bering Sea region for the initial phase of this project. More information can be found at
Friday, July 24 (10am ADT)

Hollings Scholar Presentations: Exploration of the Hot Dry Windy Index and wildfire; Climate Change and overnight fire growth

Speaker: Clairisse Reiher & Emily McCutchan, 2020 Hollings Scholars

During the summer of 2020 ACCAP and the Alaska Fire Science Consortium hosted two Ernest F. Hollings scholars for the summer internships. Because of COVID-19 their internships were remote. During this webinar the scholars will present their summer’s work.
1. An exploration of the Hot Dry Windy Index & its applicability to the Alaska wildfire environment (Emily)
2. Changing Summer Nighttime Climate and its Impact on Alaska Fire Growth (Clairisse)
More information and registration below
All webinars available online.
General Webinar Information Here (
For questions contact Tina Buxbaum (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 907-474-7812)

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