Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Dear Cryosphere scientists based in Germany and/or cryosphere scientists with a link to German cryosphere research, we would like to invite you to register with the mailing list of the IASC Cryosphere Working Group in Germany. In short: we need your input for the national reports on national cryosphere research activities. As a member of the list, you will get a nice overview of cryosphere research in Germany and we will provide information about  IASC funding opportunities and other Arctic cryosphere related important announcements.

The German National Committee for SCAR and IASC appoints national representatives to the cryosphere working group of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). Each year, this committee meets and the national representatives of each country submit reports on national activities. These reports are then presented to the entire working group and form the basis for a yearly overview of cryosphere research in the Arctic.

In preparing these reports over the past two years, we (Gunnar Spreen and Hugues Lantuit) have realized that we had no instrument to reach out to the Arctic cryosphere community in Germany in a timely and inclusive way. We have prepared these reports in good faith, relying on our personal knowledge of ongoing cryospheric research, but we do not have eyes everywhere and surely missed out on important pieces of information.

In order to facilitate the circulation of information and report efficiently on cryosphere activities to IASC, the German National Committee for SCAR and IASC has nicely offered to set up a mailing list including all scientists involved in Arctic cryospheric research in Germany.

The mailing list is hosted by the University of Bremen and works on a mailman server. It allows messages to be sent to all members of the mailing list and should be seen as a "mini" version of CRYOLIST for Germany AND for scientists working in the Arctic. The list is moderated by the national representatives of the IASC Cryosphere Working Group. Any scientist with an interest in the German Arctic cryosphere activities is welcome to register to the mailing list.

The list is intended to circulate announcement of jobs, conferences, meetings, funding opportunities, as well as information on IASC activities in Germany. For announcements to the international community the already established channels should be used (e.g. CRYOLIST).

You can register at the following address:

Similar mailing lists are in the works to cover the activities of other IASC and SCAR working groups in Germany.

Gunnar Spreen and Hugues Lantuit (IASC Cryosphere Working Group representatives for Germany).

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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