Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


AFArctic Frontiers Science conference is traditionally international and multidisciplinary, bringing together social sciences, humanities, physical and life sciences. Arctic Frontiers Science is focusing on both fundamental and solution-oriented research with strong impact, which addresses growing societal challenges and needs in the Arctic region. Arctic Frontiers Science 2021 will take place on 1-2 February 2021 during Arctic Frontiers 2021 entitled "Building bridges" and is now inviting your abstracts. Abstract submission deadline is September 8. 

On behalf of the Arctic Frontiers Science Committees, we have great pleasure in inviting you to submit one or more abstracts (oral and/or poster presentations) to any of the following six sessions:      

  • Arctic health and social inequalities in health
  • Who gets to tell the Arctic stories?
  • Valuing the digital ocean
  • Small and medium sized enterprises’ (SME) strategies for social sustainability in the High-North
  • The coupled Arctic system: Improved understanding from recent international campaigns
  • Advanced prediction capabilities for the Arctic and beyond

It is a special time now and we send warm thoughts to all our friends around the world. We are optimistic and hope that in the first week of February 2021 we can once again gather in Tromsø for good discussions for a sustainable development in the Arctic. Arctic Frontiers secretariat will closely monitor the situation with Covid-19 and develop an optimal technical solution and format for the conference. As of now, it will likely combine elements of a traditional in-person and digital conferences, with a possibility to participate online. Please stay tuned for more updates.

For more information please check our website:

We look forward to receiving your contributions!

Dr. Alexey Pavlov

Arctic Frontiers Secretariat

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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