Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


the icepod logo 072019The IcePod has released their fourth episode, titled How Do You Like Your Eggs? The IcePod is the podcast about polar science and the people. The IcePod features people involved in two big international projects: the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) and the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC). Hosts talk to scientists who went on board Polarstern, the German research icebreaker, for the biggest research expedition in the Arctic. It is produced in collaboration with the Alfred Wegener Institute and Radio Weser.TV.

In this episode, hosts talk with sea-ice physicist Gunnar Spreen from the University of Bremen.

Gunnar joined leg one of the MOSAiC sea-ice drift. After the Moon Episode with Stefan Hendricks, hosts dive even deeper into how the Space Lords Gunnar and Stefan use remote sensing techniques to study Arctic sea ice. Gunnar brings into the MOSAiC Project Board his expertise on sea-ice physics and how to use satellites to tell us more about the status of the (decreasing) sea ice. Listen to why he did prefer studying sea ice instead of apple trees and how he likes his eggs cooked by Polarstern's chief cook on Thursdays and Sundays. Find out why Gunnar isn't happy with cloud uncertainties in satellite data and with scientists not taking part often enough in public debates.

In this fourth episode of The IcePod, Gunnar explains how microwaves help him to figure out the season's maximum sea-ice extent and why a carpenter is needed to help scientists fix their broken instruments. He also uncovers what people get as their birthday present at Polarstern, as well as which MOSAiC team jacket he has been wearing, not only during the expedition but now, and still keeps him warm in his office in Bremen.

Find the new and all previous IcePod episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Castbox, or on online.

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