Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


AC2020ArcticNet and its partners are very happy to invite Northern researchers, stakeholders and decision-makers to Arctic Change 2020 (AC2020) in Toronto, Canada, between December 7-10, 2020. The ArcticNet AC2020 Organizing Committee welcomes proposals for Topical Sessions of interest to the Northern research community. We are inviting you to submit your Session Proposals until Friday May 22, 2020.

The 4th edition of the ArcticNet’s Arctic Change conference will be the largest international venue for scientific exchange across a broad range of Arctic research disciplines in natural, human health and social sciences. AC2020 will bring together leading researchers, students, Northerners including Inuit, First Nations and Métis peoples, policy-makers, private sector representatives and media to address the numerous environmental, social, economic and political challenges and opportunities as a result of climate change and modernization in the Arctic.

This is THE opportunity to submit a session if you want to see a research topic addressed. The ArcticNet AC2020 Organizing Committee welcomes proposals for Topical Sessions of interest to the Northern research community. Proposals should identify at least two co-Chairs planning to attend the Conference. Session proposals including Early Career Researchers as co-Chairs are encouraged. Session proposals should include an informative title (max 150 characters) and a short description (less than 2500 characters). Descriptions should be broad enough to include all interested researchers, regardless of affiliation or research background. Please submit session proposals online using the session submission form, also available on the Arctic Change 2020.

The Organising Committee is monitoring the WHO statements and travel advice on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and will promptly inform our community on any important information affecting participation via the AC2020 website.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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