Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


pyrn logoWe hope you are doing well during this time of social distancing. With conferences and meetings cancelled, one of the things we are missing most are the chats during conference coffee breaks, icebreakers and conference dinners. These moments usually allow us to exchange ideas, seek input for our research and just get to know other members of our permafrost community. If you are like us and miss these interactions, come join us in our virtual coffee break meeting space. Its called “PYRN Coffee Break” and here is the link you will need to join.

We created several subchannels, dedicated to fieldwork related chats, questions from you for the ExCom members and we might create more dedicated spaces as we are getting to know this platform and what works best for us.
As during in person meetings, our virtual meeting space has certain rules of behaviour that are described at the top of the general channel. Mostly we ask everybody who would like to join to treat everybody with respect. There are several administrators in the channel and we will check in daily to see if there are any problems.
So come and join us, check in to see who is there and lets have a coffee together!
Your ExCom Team

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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