Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


This is a reminder of the 3rd Annual Chilean Cryosphere Society (SOCHICRI) meeting to be held in Concepcion, Chile. SOCHICRI invites researchers, professionals and students from Chile and abroad to participate in the annual meeting for 2020. This will be held in Concepcion from 13 – 15 May 2020 and will be organised by the Departments of Geography and Geophysics, University of Concepcion.

To participate as a presenter, we invite you to send your abstract via the online form: Your contribution can focus on any part of the cryosphere, and can include field- or theory-based studies, remote sensing, simulations, legal frameworks, impact and/or risk analyses, water resource assessments and others. Please follow the instructions on the online form to register for the conference and to signal your preferred presentation format (oral or poster). The closing date for abstracts is 15 march 2020.

At this meeting we will offer practical workshops during the afternoon of Thursday 14 May. We invite all those interested in leading a workshop focused on methods or themes related to the cryosphere to send us your general idea as soon as possible (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). In addition, we will hold a round-table conversation entitled ‘Cryo-science, cryo-activism and social transformation’ where researchers, NGO representatives and other interested parties will meet to discuss and design new research strategies to more closely associate cryosphere science with societal needs. Those interested in taking part can also register in the online form.

The registration period will be open from 1 January to 10 April with the early bird rates of $22.000 Chilean pesos (students) and $32.000 Chilean pesos (professionals). After 10 April, the rates will increase to $32.000 Chilean pesos (students) and $42.000 Chilean pesos (professionals).

Finally, at the end of the main conference programme, on Friday 15 May there will be a field trip to visit the Chillan Volcano. This activity will be charged independently from the main conference, and will be $30.000 Chilean pesos for all participants. This trip will only go ahead if more than 25 people register.

The Congress will be held in the Vicerrectoria de Investigacion, Universidad de Concepcion ( Further details regarding the event, such as the detailed programme will be posted in the website of the SOCHICRI ( soon.

                                                            **NEWS ON TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS**

Thanks to a generous support provided by the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), the SOCHICRI is able to offer 3 travel scholarships for graduate students whose programme belongs to a higher education institution of Latin America. To apply, please fill the form (downloable here: March 31st.

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