The exhibition is a part of a fundamental project “Arctic Design” supported by the Russian Science Foundation. With this exhibition, the Arctic Design School aims to continue the ASAD network initiative to organize collaborative events that encourage visitors to engage with research in Arctic art and design. 

The exhibition is designed to be mobile, i.e. transportable to different physical settings – various public spaces, for example, galleries of participating universities. Thus, the variety of accepted media is limited to: Photography, Digital Graphic, Digital Visual Design, and Video. Participation is free of charge and the organizers will cover printing/exhibiting costs. We encourage students and research/teaching staff of the universities – members of the ASAD network – to apply. We also welcome proposals from external artists and designers and art/design educators.

We encourage the widest possible understanding of this topic, where the following contrasting viewpoints can meet, interweave or collide:

  • Design in the Arctic: a merely geographical association based on what the land can provide, without giving anything in return. This statement is probably best evident through the examples of the extractive industry and that of Arctic/Northern tourism.
  • Design with the Arctic: a mutually beneficial engagement with the land and the people, with an emphasis on inclusive participation.
  • Design from the Arctic: technologies and know-how that the Arctic area can export to the rest of the world, particularly in connection with the need of a more sustainable and sensible use of resources.

The exhibition will be held at the Ural Design Development Centre, which is a part of the USUAA and is located conveniently in the central area of the city of Ekaterinburg.

Key Dates:

  • Submission of artwork proposals by 15 January 2020. Successful contributors will be notified by 31 January 2020.
  • Upload files by 14th February 2020.
  • Exhibition 13-30th April 2020.

Curators of the exhibition:
Alexandra Raeva, Research Fellow, Arctic Design School, Ural State University of Architecture and Art, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Svetlana Usenyuk-Kravchuk, Head of Innovation and Creativity Research Lab, Arctic Design School, Ural State University of Architecture and Art, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

See the full Call for Exhibition Proposals at the ASAD website.