Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Every winter, we organize a training on Snow & Atmosphere in the field at Col du Lautaret in the French Alps for the master students of University Grenoble Alpes (UGA). In addition, we propose to open the training to ~3-5 international students (master or first year PhD). Deadline: 15 October.

The program comprises field work by group of 3 persons (6-7h/day) and complementary lectures (1h/day) on the following topics:
- snow stratigraphy in snowpits, snow metamorphism (2x 0.5 day).
- snow depth distribution by GPR and DGPS and data processing (3x 0.5 day).
- snow thermal regime (0.5 day).
- snow albedo and surface energy budget, micro-meteorology (0.5 day).
- atmospheric ozone (0.5 day).
- snow optics (0.5 day).
- data processing and interpretation (0.5 day)

This winter the training will be 2 – 7 March 2020 (Monday to Saturday included), during the peak of the snow season. 19 students from UGA will attend. 

The fees are 450€, and include the courses, basic accommodation in chalets on the site (Jardin alpin du Lautaret) and food cooked by ourselves.

Col du Lautaret is at the altitude of 2100 m.a.s.l and climate conditions in March can be harsh (with sustained -15°C and windy as in 2018) or clement (0°C and sunshine as in 2017). While all the field activities take place within 100 m around the chalets, good health conditions, adequate clothing and some initial experience with mountain environment are a prerequisite. The training site is very close to a main road, but the access is occasionally closed for a few hours to a full day during snowfall and storm.

To apply, please send us an email with CV, details of your master curriculum and motivations not later than 15 October 2019. We will give a response within 3 weeks.

Please note that this year, the European Snow Science Winter School (SSWS) will also take place in Col du Lautaret in mid-February. The SSWS and the Snow & atmosphere training are two independent events. The former is targeted to PhD students with expertise in snow science seeking for advanced training while the UGA training is a master course for master students and first year PhD students with a broad interest in cold environmental sciences.

Best regards,
Ghislain Picard, Manu Le Meur, Didier Voisin

Jardin alpin du Lautaret :
University Grenoble Alpes:
Training flyer:


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