Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The Arctic and Northern Ocean Forum 2019 is being held at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland. The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended to June 21. For more information and to submit an abstract visit


In October 2018, nine countries and the European Union signed the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean, which among other things establishes a Joint Program of Scientific Research and Monitoring. An understanding of the instrumentation, platforms, communications and computing technologies that are available now or could become available in the near future to help gather and analyze data about the ecosystem would be valuable information for the Agreement’s signatories and scientific program. The IEEE, through its Initiative on North and South Poles (INSP), is sponsoring the Arctic and Northern Oceans Forum (ANOF) in September 2019, at which this and other Arctic marine topics will be addressed. Presentations are welcome from biologists, oceanographers, and technologists. The outcomes of the discussions will be shared with the Agreement’s signatories to promote further development of promising ideas.


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