One important goal of NPAC is to attract and involve the next generation of policy and science leaders. Explicitly, solicit the contributions of knowledgeable young people who will become leaders in addressing the Arctic Science and policy issues emerging in global affairs. In support of this critical goal, funds are available to support up to five Early-Career Arctic Researchers as NPAC Fellows. They will join a group of world class international researchers and policymakers in addressing contemporary issues affecting the Arctic. This year the NPAC theme is Global-Arctic Interactions: The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center. The 2019 NPAC Application information, Concept Note, Agenda, and Members of the Steering Committee are available on the East-West Center Website ( NPAC Fellows will have the opportunity to interact with these thought leaders and present a short paper in one of the five Thematic Sessions (II-VI) of the conference. Their contribution will be included in the conference volume that is expected to be published in early 2020.