Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Sentinel North International PhD School - Permafrost engineering applied to transportation infrastructure at Aurora College, Inuvik (Northwest Territories, Canada). Sentinel North announces a new international Ph.D. school, to be held from June 2-8, 2019, at the Inuvik Campus of Aurora College, Northwest Territories, on the theme of Permafrost engineering applied to transportation infrastructure.

Aimed at both graduate students and professionals, this advanced course will provide participants with state-of-the-art training supervised by internationally renowned professors and researchers. The location is not a coincidence, as Inuvik is located in particularly difficult terrain, rich in ice and thaw-sensitive permafrost, in the MacKenzie Delta. The course will allow to observe the characteristics of the Demptser and Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk highways and to understand the challenges of construction in the North in the best possible way.

Registrations are currently open to recruit a team of early career researchers and professionals in the field.

Applications will be assessed as they are received and decisions will be made on a rolling basis until April 15, 2019.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their application now to benefit from the best rates.

For all details:


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Huginbakken 14
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