Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The Durham University has several interesting announcements for students and PhDs:

For APECS members who have not yet begun their PhD (or who are looking to change programs), the DurhamARCTIC programme has money to supportsix students entering in 2019 and five more entering in Autumn 2020. Students get their degrees in “traditional” disciplines (i.e. it’s not an interdisciplinary Arctic Studies degree) but there’s extra cross-disciplinary programming, as well as extra funds for students to engage in Arctic fieldwork, placements, etc. We can only cover the EU portion of tuition fees, so this is a particularly good opportunity for students from EU countries, although non-EU students are eligible if they cover the non-EU surcharge. Current DurhamARCTIC students are in Anthropology, Biosciences, Geography, and Law, but there is no restriction on disciplinary focus. Applications for students entering in Autumn 2019 are due 15 January 2019. For more information, see

- Also of interest to APECS members should be the annual DurhamARCTIC summer school. The 2019 summer school will be held 25-28 April in Durham. That’s really not ’summer’ in England (and it’s certainly not summer in the Arctic), but we’re holding it then so as to coincide with the final conference of the Durham-based ICE LAW Project(see more below). The ICE LAW Project is fairly social-science-oriented, but the Summer School is intended to cover the breadth of disciplines. Indeed, it could provide a particularly good opportunity for Early Career Researchers in the physical sciences to practice (and learn about) engagement with the social sciences, as the attendees will include world leaders in Arctic social sciences. Information on the 2019 summer school, including details for applying for a student bursary, can be found at for the 2019 summer school are due 31 January 2019 and for this we’re keen to fund students from outside the EU. We have funds for up to 14 Early Career Researchers (defined as PhD students or individuals who have received their PhD in the past three years).

- And finally, as mentioned above, concurrent with the Summer School, we’ll be holding the final conference of the ICE LAW Project (25-27 April in Durham). For the past three years, the Project, and its various working groups, have been holding small workshops and community meetings to investigate the potential for a legal framework that acknowledges the complex geophysical environment in the world’s frozen regions and to explore the impact that an ice-sensitive legal system would have on topics ranging from the everyday activities of Arctic residents to the territorial foundations of the modern state. Although part of the conference will include reflections from subproject leaders, we’re specifically looking for input (including paper presentations) from individuals who have not been involved to date with the project. A poster session from Summer School participants will be integrated into the conference. Abstracts are due by 15 January 2019 and should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More information on the conference is available at

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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