Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


arcuslogonotext 2018In an increasingly digital and interdisciplinary landscape, the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS; is excited to offer a wealth of online resources benefiting the global Arctic research community. From informative mailing lists detailing the latest professional opportunities to a directory of who’s who in Arctic research, we are proud to offer something of value to everyone, whether you work in academia, industry, the government sector, with Indigenous communities, or beyond. We invite you to learn more about these free services:

  • The Directory of Arctic Researchers contains names, addresses, science specialties, and current research for over 4,000 Arctic specialists worldwide, and aids networking between stakeholders to facilitate research and education efforts. All researchers are invited to include a profile.
  • The Arctic Calendar is an online, searchable calendar of major meetings and events relevant to Arctic science, education, and policy; helping to both publicize major events and avoid conflicting meeting dates.
  • Witness the Arctic is a monthly newsletter with over 8,600 subscribers, providing information on current Arctic research, national policy affecting Arctic research, international activities, and profiles of institutions with major Arctic research efforts.
  • ArcticInfo is a moderated mailing list offering nearly 5,000 subscribers timely information about Arctic meetings, publications, job announcements, funding opportunities, and news.
  • Amongst other assets available through our website, ARCUS offers Documented Practices and Resources for conducting research with Northern communities, a Polar Education moderated mailing list, a Publications Directory of key reports, as well as both new and web-archived copies of Live-Streamed Research Seminars with leading Arctic community leaders.

While these online products are offered freely to the Arctic research community, starting this month, ARCUS is thrilled to offer even greater access to our internationally-recognized network through Individual memberships at the member’s choice of dues levels or an Affiliate member program for anyone who works with or for one of ARCUS’ Organizational members.

To learn more about our programmatic offerings and benefits of membership, please visit or e-mail Alex Thornton, ARCUS’ Community Development Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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