Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Please be advised that the call for session proposals is now open for the International Glaciology Society (IGS) Symposium on Sea Ice to be held August 18–23, 2019 in Winnipeg. If you are interested in organizing a session, please send your session proposal to Dr. Feiyue Wang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee, by September 30, 2018.

The proposal should have the following format:

  • Session title:
  • Session organizers and affiliations:
  • Session description or motivation (max 200 words):

Session proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory/Steering Committees. Session proposers will be informed in October 2018 if their session is selected to be included in the call for abstracts. To facilitate maximum participation and collaboration, we encourage session proposals to 1) involve multiple co-organizers from ideally multiple institutions/countries, and 2) show demonstrated interest from confirmed or potential attendees.

More about the Sea Ice Symposium-2019 can be found at: The local website will be available soon.

Please circulate this to those who you think might be interested.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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