Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-11 um 16.17.26.pngDo you teach glaciers and glaciation? If so, VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes ( may be of interest.

VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes is a new, free and easy-to-use resource that provides on-demand, simulated fieldwork to glaciers and glaciated landscapes. Its primary role is in supporting class- and lab-based teaching of glaciers and glaciation in schools, colleges and universities. It is NOT a replacement for real fieldwork, for which there is no substitute.

You can use the virtual fieldwork to create your own teaching resources (e.g. worksheets, mapping exercises). In due course, I will make available some of my own teaching resources, via the password-protected forum. Registration is required for the latter, but not for the virtual fieldwork.

This project will continue to be developed over the next 18 – 24 months. At the time of writing, there are virtual fieldtrips to the Swiss Alps (Arolla valley, Ferpècle valley, Moiry valley and the Lötschental valley) and the English Lake District (Helvellyn Range, Mosedale and Keskadale). Additional field trips will be added in due course, as will some guidance on interpretation and use.

You can find out more about VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes in the flyer (pdf, ~4 mb), which you can download via the following link:

The resource itself can be accessed here:

Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from the University of Worcester, the Quaternary Research Association and the British Society for Geomorphology.

If you have already visited the site in the last month or so, please note that: (i) the Arolla valley virtual fieldwork has been extended; and (ii) the Lötschental valley (Langgletscher) has been added.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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