Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The next EGU General Assembly 2019 (EGU2019) will be held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) from 07 to 12 April 2019.

We hereby invite you, from now until 06 Sep 2018, to take an active part in organizing the scientific programme of the conference. You can do this at:

Please use this opportunity to suggest sessions with conveners and description.

NEW IN 2019

a) For the first time, the skeleton programme consists only of the programme groups and their sub-programme groups. The programme groups do not show sessions from last year. This means that all session proposals need to be submitted, also those on classic topics in the community.

b) The deadline for suggesting Union Symposia and Great Debates is 15 August 2018. Please see the guidelines ( for more information.


1) Session conveners
We strongly encourage convener teams to reflect (i) multiple countries and institutes, (ii) different career stages, and especially include early career scientists, and (iii) gender diversity. We ask for a minimum of two active conveners (1 convener and 1 co-convener) with a maximum of five conveners (1 convener and 4 co-conveners) per session. A new guideline for 2019 is a maximum of three (co-)convenerships total of which one as lead convener. We would like to point to the presentation rules for conveners ( Please check with all conveners that they agree to take part in the proposed session. Please see the convener guidelines at:

2) Session Programme Group (PG)
When making suggestions, explore the programme groups ( and place your proposal into the PG that is most closely aligned with the proposed session's subject area. Please avoid submitting session proposals that are similar to sessions already suggested. In such a case, it is possible to suggest modifications to an earlier session proposal. If the subject area of your proposal is strongly aligned with two or more PGs, co-organization is possible and encouraged between PGs. Only put your session proposal into ONE PG. You will be able to indicate PGs that you believe should be approached for co-organization.

3) Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions (ITS)
EGU introduced the programme group Interdisciplinary Events (IE) in 2016 which is now renamed to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions (ITS). ITS looks for links between disciplines in a coordinated and coherent effort, trying to create new approaches that would not be possible if handled separately. ITS highlights new themes each year and will also build themes from proposed sessions. If you plan to propose an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Session, please submit your proposal in programme group ITS and indicate other relevant programme groups for co-organization. For ITS sessions we kindly ask you to identify one other programme group that will become the scientific leader of the event. Accepted ITS sessions will be part of the session programme of the scientific leader in addition to the ITS programme. Please see the guidelines for more information at:

4) Townhall and splinter meetings
From now until 17 Jan 2019 you can apply for townhall meetings. Townhall meetings offer an active discussion platform that is open to all interested participants to inform them of new opportunities and initiatives. All townhall meetings will be scheduled from 19:00 to 20:00. Splinter meeting rooms can be booked for smaller, targeted discussion groups. Splinter meeting booking is open from 15 Oct 2018 to 1 Mar 2019.

5) Session programme building
The EGU2019 Programme Committee will take into account all suggested sessions and use these to compile the final session programme as the basis for the call-for-abstracts. Conveners of approved sessions will be asked to actively promote their sessions and the public will be invited to submit their abstracts. This will be announced by a separate email.

6) Contact
If you have questions about the appropriateness of a specific session topic, please contact the programme group chair and/or the officers for the specific EGU2019 programme group:

Please inform your colleagues about these opportunities. We look forward to receiving your suggestions. Thank you very much in advance.

In case any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Olaf Eisen
President of the EGU Division on Cryospheric Sciences
CR contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CR on Twitter: @EGU_CR
CR blog:

Katja Gänger
Copernicus Meetings
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On behalf of
Susanne Buiter (EGU2019 Programme Committee Chair)

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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