Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


2018 AGU Fall MeetingIt's the time of year for mass-advertising AGU Cryosphere sessions. To help in whatever small way I can with the unnecessary Inbox overload, here's a complete list of AGU 2018 Fall Meeting Cryosphere sessions in numerical order, including cross-listed sessions. Details, conveners and descriptions for each are found at:

C001 100 Years of Cryosphere

C002 Advanced understanding of the Arctic hydrologic system in a warming climate of Cryosphere

C003 Advancements in Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent using Coincident Ground and Airborne Data

C004 Advances in Ice Sheet-Ocean Interactions: From Measurements to Climate Impacts

C005 Advances in Observing and Modeling Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Surface Mass Balance: Past, Present and Future

C006 Advances in Subglacial, Englacial, and Supraglacial Hydrology

C007 Advances in Understanding Processes at the Beds of Glaciers and Ice Sheets

C008 Altimetry of the cryosphere and polar oceans

C009 Atmospheric moisture in the Arctic climate system

C010 At the Front: Observations of Greenland’s Marine-Terminating Glaciers and the Processes They Reveal

C011 Beyond Ice Thickness: Using Radar Sounding to Understand the Dynamics of Glacier Systems

C012 Birth, Life, and Death of Icebergs

C013 Breaking the mold: New sensors, enhanced datasets, new tools and parameters from satellite passive microwave instruments

C014 Collaborative research to address changes in the climate, hydrology and cryosphere of High Mountain Asia

C015 Drivers of change in the high-mountain water cycle

C016 Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols in the Cryosphere

C017 Forty years of eyes on the planet: An uninterrupted record of earth remote sensing with satellite passive microwave instruments

C018 Glacier Monitoring From In-Situ and Remotely Sensed Observations

C019 Glacier Processes from Large-Scale Remote Sensing

C020 GRACE-FO and ICESat-2: NASA’s Newest Missions for Cryospheric Science

C021 How Technology and Exploration are Advancing Knowledge of the Polar Regions

C022 Ice Core Records of Environmental Change

C023 Integrating Observations and Models to Better Understand a Changing Arctic System

C024 Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets

C025 Modeling of the Cryosphere: Seasonal Snow

C026 New data sources for the monitoring of polar ice sheets and their impact on ice sheet prediction

C027 Observing, Modelling, Diagnosing, and Predicting Hydrological and Earth System Change in Cold Regions

C028 Polar Climate: Processes & Predictability

C029 Preliminary discoveries from the 2015–2018 Shackleton Glacier deep field camp, Antarctica

C030 Putting Arctic Science to Work: Using Your Words to Reach Collaborators and Decision-makers

C031 Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow and Snow Processes

C032 Recent Advances in Monitoring, Measuring, and Modeling Snow Processes

C033 Remote Sensing of Sea Ice

C034 Remote Sensing of Seasonal Snow

C035 Reproducible science in water resources: cryosphere and hydrology

C036 Sea Ice and Snow under Change: Using In-Situ Measurements to Enhance Remote Sensing and Model Studies

C037 Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the “New” Arctic and Southern Oceans

C038 Seasonal Sea Ice: Processes, properties, and linkages to ocean and atmospheric state across scales

C039 Societal Impacts of Global Cryosphere Change and Associated Mitigation and Adaptation Policies

C040 The Nye Lecture and Honored Member Presentations (not for submissions!)

C041 The Role of Ground Ice in Permafrost Hydrology and Geomorphology

C042 Visualizing the Dynamic Cryosphere

Cross-listed with Cryosphere:

A014 Arctic and midlatitude linkage: Causes and Effects

A015 Arctic Energy Balance and Relevant Atmosphere and Surface Processes: Current Understanding and Challenges

A017 Assessment, Enhancement and Integration of Arctic Observing Systems

A033 Climate Variability and Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Over the North Atlantic

A041 Data Assimilation, Reanalysis, and Observing System Simulation Experiments: Theory and Applications

A046 Extratropical and High-latitude Storms, Teleconnections, Extreme Weather, and the Changing Polar Climate

A080 Observations and Predictability of Atmospheric Processes over Complex Terrain

A081 Polar Atmospheric Processes and Their Interactions with Land, Ice, and Ocean

A103 The Tropical vs. Polar "Tug of War" on the Atmospheric General Circulation Response to Climate Change

A111 Using emergent constraints to reduce uncertainty in projections of future climate change

B020 Comparative Organic Geochemistry of Soils and Aquatic Sediments: A New View in the 21st Century

B037 Impacts of winter climate change on hydrobiogeochemical dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic systems during the winter and shoulder seasons

B041 Interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical change in permafrost environments

B096 Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change

DI002 Advances in Computational Geosciences

ED014 Climate Literacy in Higher Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Engaging Diverse Populations

ED024 Connecting the World to the Poles through Science Communication, Education and Outreach

ED027 Cross-Cultural Scientific Investigation: Connecting Remote Sensors with Ground Sensors

EP039 Signatures of Climate Change in Surface Processes

EP042 The Past, Present and Future of Arctic Coastal Change

EP047 When rock meets water and ice - geomorphic and hydrologic response in periglacial Critical Zones

GC006 Advances in Understanding Causes and Consequences of High-latitude System Changes for Improved Sub-seasonal to Decadal Predictability

GC016 Attribution Science Advancements: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Hydrosphere, Ocean

GC073 Permafrost Dynamics, Biophysical and Socio-Economic Linkages: Connecting Science to Policy

GC074 Quantifying and Decreasing Uncertainty in Projections of Future Sea Level Change

GC086 The global water cycle: linkages of ocean salinity with the atmosphere and terrestrial hydrology

GC090 The Third Pole Environment (TPE) under Global Changes

GH003 Arctic Geohealth: climate change and health impacts in northern high latitudes

G001 An Ongoing Transformation: High Resolution Topography in the Geosciences

G006 First Results from GRACE Follow-On: Continuing the GRACE Data Record

G011 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the Importance of High-quality Instrumental and Geological Constraints

G012 GRACE, GRACE Follow-On, and Beyond

G020 Satellite Geodesy for Climate and Atmospheric Research

G021 Scientific Applications Enabled by the International GNSS Service (IGS) and by Improvements to GNSS Products

H022 Applications in Snow Hydrology: Linking Seasonal Snow to Natural Processes and Society

H051 Ecohydrological Interactions with Precipitation

H103 Recent Advances in the Hydrologic Sciences

H110 Science and Applications Results Based on NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Mission Products and Validation Experiments

H119 The MacGyver Session: The Place for Novel, Exciting, Self-Made, Hacked, or Improved Sensors, Data Acquisition, and Data Transmission Solutions to Understand the Geosphere

IN016 Communicating Scientific Data Quality through the Lens of Uncertainty

IN041 Innovative Visualization Solutions Merging Earth Science Data Representations and Analytics

IN046 JPSS: Providing advanced global observations to improve knowledge and decisions by a global interconnected community

IN052 New Space: Results from Earth Observing CubeSat Missions

NG011 Stochastic Modelling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics

OS001 Advances in monitoring and modeling of subsea permafrost

OS039 Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts and Flooding

OS044 Unprecedented Bering Sea Ice Extent and Impacts to Marine Ecosystems and Western Alaskan Communities

PA015 Communication of Science - Practice, Research and Reflection

PP012 Development of the cryosphere: evidence from sedimentary records in the high latitudes

PP032 Quantifying Arctic System Change: Past, Present, and Future

PP033 Sea Level and Ice Sheet Reconstructions over Glacial Cycles

PP041 The North Atlantic region in the early icehouse world

PP045 Water Isotope Systematics: Improving Modern and Paleoclimate Interpretations

P020 From the Earth to the Moons: Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds

P041 Science for a New Era of Lunar Exploration

P046 “The New Mars Underground”: Science and Exploration of a New Deep Frontier

S008 Environmental Seismology: A look at the short past, the current state-of-the-art, and the wide open future

U001 60 Years of Scientific Achievements in the Arctic and Antarctica: Looking Back, Looking Forward

V038 The Emerging Multidisciplinary Science of Fire and Ice: Understanding the causes, timing and consequences of planetary glaciovolcanism


Happy session perusing!

Mike Mc Ferrin

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