Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-31 um 11.10.15.pngThe Quantarctica Project ( at the Norwegian Polar Institute would like to invite you to an open side meeting at POLAR 2018 in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday, 21 June from 12:30-14:00 in 'A Dischma'. You can view the full POLAR 2018 Side Meetings schedule here:

In this meeting, we will briefly show some of the many new layers, features, and improvements in the recently-released Quantarctica version 3, before handing the floor to a series of Antarctic researchers at various career stages in diverse scientific disciplines who will demonstrate how they use Quantarctica for planning, fieldwork, analysis, map and figure design, and education. This meeting will also offer an opportunity to engage with the Quantarctica Project Team and other Quantarctica users to ask questions, give feedback, and brainstorm or develop new map ideas.
Quantarctica was developed by and for the Antarctic community, and this meeting is open to all current and - (we hope!) - future users.

Quantarctica enables anyone to analyze high-quality open-access scientific data, plan logistics, and create production-quality maps and figures - on any operating system, free of charge. Quantarctica version 3 was released in early 2018 and adds new features and over 150 new data layers spanning the breadth of Antarctic research and operations, from glaciology and geology to environmental management and social science.


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Huginbakken 14
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