Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Organizers announce an extended deadline for abstract submissions and registration for the 5th Polar Prediction Workshop. This workshop will be held 7-9 May 2018 at the Agora Hydro-Quebec in Montreal, Canada.

The workshop will focus on:

  • Polar predictability from subseasonnal to interannual timescales,
  • Sea ice prediction,
  • Operational and research efforts, and
  • End user needs and the capacity of the scientific community to address these needs.

In addition, reviews for the Sea Ice Outlook project and other initiatives related to polar predictions will be discussed.

An important outcome of the workshop will be a consensus forecast statement synthesizing predictions of September mean Arctic sea ice extent, and sea ice conditions during the Arctic shipping season for key regions, the Northwest Passage, and Northern Sea Route shipping corridors. Participants are invited to contribute to any or all of these forecasts using a form that will be circulated to registrants and posted online, and are encouraged to highlight these predictions in their presentations.

Operational forecasters and forecast users are invited to participate.

Extended abstract submission and registration deadline: Friday, 13 April 2018

For more information, go to:
Workshop homepage

For questions, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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