Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


We are excited to announce our EGU co-sponsored training school on “Glaciers, moraines and climate: identifying, dating and extracting paleoclimate data from evidence of past glacier change”, which will take place in Inchnadamph in the Scottish Highlands from 13 to 16 August 2018.

Our main aim is to encourage early career (PhD or Postdoc) researchers to integrate different (e.g. geomorphological, sedimentological, chronological, limnological) lines of paleoglaciological evidence. Often, the impact of such inter-disciplinary approaches is greater than the sum of its parts, advancing the potential of paleoglaciological evidence to understand climate change.

Are you interested? Then more information is available at including how to register. The registration deadline is 13 May 2018.

Your organizing committee:

Sven Lukas, Jostein Bakke, Clare Boston, Natacha Gribenski, Susan Ivy-Ochs & Willem van der Bilt

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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