Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences - 57382nd Edition - ISBN: 9780123750440, 9780123744739Graduate Students and Early Career Scientists - Opportunity to Earn Money, Enrich Your Background, and Get Scholarly Credit

Elsevier is producing a third edition of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, and Kirk Cochran, Henry Bokuniewicz and I are serving as co-Editors-in-Chief. The Encyclopedia has gone through two previous editions, in 2001 and 2009. In most cases, articles (generally <4000 words) in the 2nd edition were simply reprinted from the first, so most are ~17 years old. A goal for the 3d edition is to update all articles (as well as to include new ones on topics not included in the previous editions). We have been able to get original authors to update about half the articles, but roughly half remain.

The cryosphere-related sections that have articles needing updating include:

  • Ice-induced Gouging of the Seafloor
  • Ice-Ocean Interaction
  • Ice-shelf Stability
  • Icebergs
  • Sea Ice Overview
  • Sub-sea Permafrost
  • Under-ice boundary layer

I also have a few on climate-change related topics, for which some of you may have expertise:

  • Abrupt Climate Change
  • Economics of Sea Level Rise
  • Fisheries and Climate
  • Heat transport and climate
  • Regime Shifts
  • Sea Level Change and
  • Southern Ocean Fisheries

We are asking for your help. If your research area touches on the areas listed above, we invite you to look through the articles and provide guidance on updating. The articles are short- a few pages- so can be worked through relatively quickly. There are several ways to update an article:

1) if the article is basically OK, you might simply update the “Further Readings” given at the end of the article, or

2) if there have been major advances since the article was written, you can add a section titled “Recent Developments”, in addition to updating the “Further Readings”.

Each article that is updated in the 3d edition will have a “Change History” footnote indicating what changes have been made.

3) A final option is to write a new article based on your research area. This would be an overview of the sort that might be the introduction to your thesis. If you are interested in that option, please talk with us to see how it might fit in.


Author credit summary.

Option 1. Updating Further Reading only.

The updater will need to provide a change history and be credited in the footnote. Original authorship will remain with previous author(s).

Option 2. Add new section on Recent Developments and update Further Reading.

The updater will be listed as a co-author. The updater will need to provide a change history and will be mentioned in the footnote as well.

Option 3. Write a new article- full author credit. You can also suggest a new topic.

For any of these options, you will get $100 for each article you update, and access to the full contents of the Encyclopedia (~450 articles) when it is published (2019) provided you agree to Elsevier’s contributor agreement. Email me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are interested and I will provide further information.

Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested. And thanks for considering this!!

Dr. Patricia L. Yager
Professor, University of Georgia
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