Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-04 um 10.27.25.pngThe Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) invites proposals for the Climate Adaption Fund 2018 Grant Program. Grants will be one to two years in length, beginning in December 2018.

This program provides grants to U.S.-based non-profit conservation organizations with approved IRS 501(c)(3) status. Grants can be awarded for projects only within the U.S. and U.S. territories. Public agencies, tribal governments, and universities may partner on proposals submitted by an eligible non-profit conservation organization or work as paid contractors on funded projects.

New this year, the Climate Adaptation Fund is inviting applications for projects that implement joint mitigation and adaptation (JMA) approaches. This new category for proposals is not a requirement for funding, but is in addition to our continuing priority to support wildlife adaptation projects in both urban and rural landscapes.

A strong proposal to the Climate Adaptation Fund will feature a wildlife conservation project with the following characteristics:

  • Designed with climate adaptation as a core goal or outcome of the work;
  • Proposes conservation goals and actions that are grounded in the best available science;
  • Conducts on-the-ground implementation, not research or planning;
  • Focuses on the functionality of ecosystems rather than conserving individual species;
  • Designed for long-term conservation impact;
  • Creates the potential for impact at a landscape scale; and
  • Uses strategic, targeted communications activities to amplify adaptation outcomes.

It is strongly recommended that applicants review the Applicant Guidance Document for information on programmatic priorities and guidelines for writing proposals.

Applicants must register their organization and complete the online pre-proposal application form.

Pre-proposal application deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, 6 April 2018

To read the full Request for Proposals, go to:
Climate Adaptation Fund RFP

For more information, go to:
Program Information

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