Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Highlight your research, program, organization or ideas: Submit a poster abstract for AOS 2018

The fourth Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) will be held in 2018 (June 24-26) in Davos, Switzerland in conjunction with POLAR2018. Your input and contributions in the form of poster presentations are welcome to highlight important issues and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas to design, build, implement, expand, and provide long-term support for an international Arctic observing systems network. Ideally, poster presentations should focus on these key themes selected for the upcoming AOS, but other topics that are relevant for AOS are welcome:

Theme: The Business Case for a Pan-Arctic Observing System

  • Sub-Theme 1: The Need for the Observing System
  • Sub-Theme 2: Implementing and Optimizing a Pan-Arctic Observing System
  • Sub-Theme 3: Operating Observing Systems and Networks

Presentations that include research results, overviews of initiatives or programs, highlights from ongoing organizations or groups, reviews of priorities or challenges, or proposed solutions for sustained and coordinated Arctic observing, are welcome.

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 30 March 2018

For information about poster abstract submissions, go to:
Poster abstracts submission form

For information about conference themes, go to:
Conference theme and subthemes webpage

For more information, go to:
Conference homepage

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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