Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Remind to apply for travel grant before January, 15th!!

pyrn smallThe PYRN (Permafrost Young Researcher Network) will organize a 2-day workshop June 23-24, 2018 at Chamonix (France), in conjunction with the EUCOP5 (European Conference on Permafrost). All permafrost young researchers (current students or early career, within 6 years after their PhD) are invited to attend the workshop. This workshop is entirely supported by sponsors (UFA, IPA, IASC, Petzl, Nunataryuk project, Lions club) and is free of charge for the participants! Affordable accommodations will also be available for PYRN members.

Furthermore, travel grants of up to 250 euros will be offered to a limited number of participants. To apply for a travel grant, please fill in the following form: The deadline to submit a travel grant application is January 15, 2018. Travel grant recipients will be asked to submit a short video showcasing their research.

The workshop program is as follows:

Friday, June 22nd 2018: Welcoming ice-breaker

Saturday June, 23rd 2018: Introduction to PYRN activities by the PYRN ExCom, plenary lectures and breakout sessions lead by outstanding senior and junior scientists covering major permafrost topics, career planning, research perspectives, and soft-skills development.

Sunday June, 24th 2018: Local excursion lead by outstanding local researchers and land-planners to learn about environmental settings and land-planning issues in the Mont Blanc massif.

More details will be provided soon. Please, check for updates and submit your abstract on:

All young researchers willing to participate to this workshop are invited to sign up to the PYRN:

Please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any inquiries regarding the PYRN activities at ECUOP5.

This is a great opportunity to meet each other, learn about permafrost sciences, and draw research perspectives together. We hope to see you in Chamonix next year!!

Florence Magnin,
on behalf of the PYRN ExCom

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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