Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The AGU Cryosphere Focus Group Executive Committee reminds you that it is time to nominate your colleagues for AGU Fellow, AGU Ambassador, Cryosphere Early Career Award (10 years post-degree), and Nye lecturer. Fellow/Ambassador nominations are due March 15, 2017 and award nominations are due April 15, 2017. Instructions for the nominations can be found below. AGU is looking to increase diversity across awards and particularly encourages international and female nominees. International nominees are required to be AGU members for at least 3 years. As a reminder, nominations of Fellows and Ambassadors who declare multiple focus group/section affiliations will be reviewed within each focus group/section they declare within AGU.

If you are interested in participating in the AGU Cryosphere Executive Committee please contact one of the officers listed below. Follow us on Facebook at Cryosphere Focus Group for more information.


Noah Molotch, Awards Chair

Tavi Murray, President

Lora Koenig, President elect

Sinead Farrell, Secretary


Instructions for nominating an AGU Fellow:

Instructions for AGU Ambassador:

Instructions for nominating the Cryosphere Early Career Award:

Instructions for nominating the Nye Lecturer:


Nye Lecture Criteria for Nominee Proposals

Nominations for Nye Lecture should succinctly address:

a. The candidates history at producing relevant, cutting-edge science in any sub-discipline of cryosphere sciences research, as well as how the candidate’s prominent research would complement the Nye Lecture’s history

b. The candidate’s merit as a prominent member of the cryosphere sciences community

c. The candidate’s merit as an engaging, effective speaker to an audience of non-specialists.

Nominations should be limited to no more than 2 pages (with reasonable formatting choices) including the name, area of expertise, and potential lecture topics of the nominee. We actively encourage diversity in nationality, race, gender and career stage in nominees. Nominations may be submitted by a single individual or multiple individuals, but are limited to a single submission per individual per year. Nominations for the Nye Lecturer are to be submitted to Noah Molotch, Cryosphere Science Focus Group Awards Chair, before or on the posted deadline.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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