Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECSGermany LogoThis PolarWeek was all about pen and paper, as we learned the basics of sketchnotes from Prof. Katharina Theis-Bröhl (University of Applied Science, Bremerhaven) as part of the “From Research Abstract to Comic: I can not draw, but sketch my science!” workshop.

Sketchnotes are a tool for structuring your own notes and can be used for science communication. Within three hours full of fun, we developed our own “sketchnote tools” and “visual vocabulary” and discovered how a few lines can come together to symbolize our research topic. During Katharina Theis-Bröhl’s detailed introduction, our pens never lay still, and we followed all of her steps. Some of our notes can be seen here:

427 Marek Muchow PolarWeek ICYMARE workshop by APECS Germany428 Marek Muchow PolarWeek ICYMARE workshop by APECS Germany











To conclude the workshop, the participants were invited to make their first sketchnote. Therefore, we watched two different videos: The first video by Climate Adam is about the current IPCC report and the effects on climate change and the second video is a TED talk by Kristin Poinar about what is hidden under the Greenland ice sheet. Here are two examples for our first sketch notes:

426 Luisa von Albedyll PolarWeek ICYMARE workshop by APECS Germany429 Yvonne Jenniges PolarWeek ICYMARE workshop by APECS Germany


Currently, APECS Germany is working on summarizing the workshop content into a resource page where you can find detailed instructions how to master sketchnotes. Stay tuned for updates on the APECS Germany homepage. We hold this workshop in the framework of the Polar Week, announced by APECS International, and in co-operation with the International Conference for Young MArine REsearchers (ICYMARE). We thank ICYMARE for hosting us and APECS International for financial support and Prof. Theis-Bröhl for the interesting workshop.

Authors: Luisa von Albedyll, Lena Nicola, Moritz Zeisig, Marek Muchow, Sören Brandt

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