Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


102 Vural Deniz Pixabay Polar Week September 2020Thank you for joining us in putting the polar and alpine regions into the spotlight. We were overjoyed about your own stories, photos and experiences shared with us using the hashtags: #PolarWeek, #ScientistsWhoSelfie, #PolarWeekPhoto, #PolarWeekArt and #PolarFunFact. During this year’s September Polar Week we shared a series of talks and activities through APECS international and its national committees to raise awareness on the polar and alpine areas and its indigeneous people, wildlife, facts, stories, scientists, landscapes and the risks, especially the importance due to climatic changes. We enthusiastically encouraged our early career researchers (ECR) to both join our activities and to create their own events within the framework of the Polar Week. Thanks to the wide collaborations between countries, we could expand and enrich our events and really feel the spirit of the Polar Week everywhere! See here the highlights of the September 2020 Polar Week.

© Deniz Vural/Pixabay

Authors: APECS Polar Week September PG

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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