APECS Canada had a very successful networking event at ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting in 2013. The event was held at the Economy Sho Shop in Halifax, just down the road from the conference centre. Mentors and mentees played polar bingo, and all finished cards were entered into a draw to win a prize. David Scott from the Canadian Polar Comission was called upon to help organisers JS Moore, Ann Balasubramaniam and Jennifer Provencher pull the winning cards.
Each winning card was given a prize! A chocoloate animal from the north pole!
These prizes also showed how much work we still have to do in educating people about polar animals! A bear, a walrus and a penguin?
As a special treat the group was treated to some throat singing by Beckie Mearns and Kerri. Throat singing Inuit style was new to many in the crowd. The spontaneous performance ended with a group song that had everyone in the venue helping out. What a treat!
A great night was had by all, and we hope to see again next year in Ottawa.