Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


AntarcticaDayLogoOn 1 December, APECS helped Our Spaces - Foundation for the Good Governance of International Spaces, Polar Educators International, PolarTREC, the International Polar Foundation, Gateway Antarctica, the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators, eBIRD and the British Antarctic Survey to celebrate Antarctica Day 2013! There were lots of activities and events organised by our APECS Education and Outreach Committee, several APECS National Committees, and members from around the world! Watch out for their reports in the next few weeks on the news pages of the APECS website on how they celebrated Antarctica Day. If you want to find out more about how APECS contributed, go to our Antarctica Day page.

Since it was Antarctica Day this month, I thought I'll highlight a great resource that was developed by a long-term partner and sponsor of APECS, the Norwegian Polar Institute here in Tromsø, Norway:

quantarctica logoNPI logo engQuantarctica: A free GIS package for Antarctica

Quantarctica is a collection of Antarctic geographical datasets which works with the free, open-source software Quantum GIS. It currently includes geography, glaciology and geophysics data, and will expand with contributions from the research community. It is free for non-commercial use, such as research, education, and operation in Antarctica. Development on a public version started in 2012, and the first version was released in 2013.

So go check it out at!

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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